Chaire de Design Jean Prouvé
24 oct. 2020 |
Pierre Lévy
Pierre Lévy
Professeur du Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers
Séminaire de recherche en design et création
Séminaire de recherche en design et création
28 janv. 2025 | Événement
©Nadine van Amersvoort

Le design est-il une science humaine ?
Le design est-il une science humaine ?
26 sept. 2024 | Événement

Séminaire de l'école du non-savoir
Séminaire de l'école du non-savoir
16 oct. 2023 | Événement

L'irrégularité, une opportunité sociétale
L'irrégularité, une opportunité sociétale
27 févr. 2023 | Événement

La beauté du motif japonais
La beauté du motif japonais
16 sept. 2022 | Événement


Leçon inaugurale de la Chaire de design Jean Prouvé
Leçon inaugurale de la Chaire de design Jean Prouvé
18 mai 2022 | Événement

Médiums en design
Médiums en design
11 déc. 2021 | Événement
©Kilimanjaro STUDIOz

Entre méthodes et pratiques en design - un moment d'apprentissage
Entre méthodes et pratiques en design - un moment d'apprentissage
18 nov. 2021 | Événement
©les élèves du Lycée Auguste Renoir

Designing for Systemic Change
Designing for Systemic Change
03 oct. 2019 | Événement
Design 3.0 Forum
Design 3.0 Forum
03 sept. 2019 | Événement
Contemplating the impossible
Contemplating the impossible
19 oct. 2018 | Événement
Kees Overbeeke symposium
Kees Overbeeke symposium
09 oct. 2018 | Événement
People Place Process: A self-reflection tool to become a professional in design thinking, based on pedagogical action research
People Place Process: A self-reflection tool to become a professional in design thinking, based on pedagogical action research
23 mai 2017 | Événement
Perspectives en design d’interaction
Perspectives en design d’interaction
10 juin 2016 | Événement
Experiential design landscapes: how to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle
Experiential design landscapes: how to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle
15 avr. 2015 | Événement
The bases of direct interaction design
03 déc. 2013 | Événement
Direct interaction design
19 nov. 2013 | Événement
Holism and kansei design, kansei beyond borders
30 août 2013 | Événement
Perceptive Qualities in System of Interactive Products
Perceptive Qualities in System of Interactive Products
23 mai 2013 | Événement
Systems Design - The Eindhoven School
Systems Design - The Eindhoven School
12 déc. 2012 | Événement
Shift - an installation for the Glow festival
Shift - an installation for the Glow festival
12 oct. 2012 | Événement
The Practice of Constructive Design Research
The Practice of Constructive Design Research
03 sept. 2012 | Événement
The multi-disciplinary nature of kansei research: an historical approach
13 juil. 2012 | Événement
Special issue: kansei research in Europe
25 mai 2012 | Événement
Rights through Making - Skills for Pervasive Ethics
Rights through Making - Skills for Pervasive Ethics
15 mai 2012 | Événement
Making the world through kansei: 3 Approaches
16 mars 2012 | Événement
Light through Culture - Experience Human Rights
Light through Culture - Experience Human Rights
15 janv. 2012 | Événement
Kansei et kansei design
31 mars 2011 | Événement
The origin of experience
08 mars 2011 | Événement
Kansei research in Eurasia
23 oct. 2010 | Événement
Kansei Engineering|Science, Trans|Interdisciplinary Research
02 oct. 2008 | Événement
Kansei and Kansei Studies: an Overview towards Kansei Design
09 sept. 2007 | Événement
DSN201 · Initiation à recherche en design, art et création
DSN201 · Initiation à recherche en design, art et création
20 mars 2025 | Enseignement
©Martin Adams
USMC85 · Dialoguing
USMC85 · Dialoguing
01 oct. 2024 | Enseignement
DSN201 · Pratiques de recherche en design, art et création
DSN201 · Pratiques de recherche en design, art et création (terminé)
01 sept. 2022 | Enseignement
DSN202 · Pratiques réflexives en design, art et création
DSN202 · Pratiques réflexives en design, art et création
01 sept. 2022 | Enseignement
TET007-M1 · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information
TET007-M1 · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information
01 sept. 2021 | Enseignement
TET007-RNCP · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information
TET007-RNCP · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information (terminé)
01 sept. 2021 | Enseignement
Matter of Transformation
Matter of Transformation (terminé)
04 nov. 2019 | Enseignement
Designing for the everyday
Designing for the everyday (terminé)
04 sept. 2018 | Enseignement
Composing Everyday Rituals
Composing Everyday Rituals (terminé)
01 sept. 2016 | Enseignement
Designing rituals
Designing rituals (terminé)
03 nov. 2014 | Enseignement
Designing Quality in Interaction theory
Designing Quality in Interaction theory (terminé)
03 sept. 2011 | Enseignement
Master Design · Art, contextes, techniques, et usages
Master Design · Art, contextes, techniques, et usages
05 févr. 2025 | Formation

Doctorat mention Arts, Design et Société
Doctorat mention Arts, Design et Société
01 sept. 2023 | Formation
Master Design
Master Design
01 oct. 2021 | Formation
Master Design · Parcours Création, Projet, Transdisciplinarité
Master Design · Parcours Création, Projet, Transdisciplinarité
01 oct. 2021 | Formation


École du non-savoir
École du non-savoir
31 janv. 2024 | Projet

TransFabriC - Institut de la transfabrication circulaire
TransFabriC - Institut de la transfabrication circulaire
01 déc. 2022 | Projet

Design et apocalypse, un manifesto
Design et apocalypse, un manifesto
17 juin 2021 | Projet
Transforming Practices squad
Transforming Practices squad
26 avr. 2020 | Projet
Design lectures by Caroline Hummels
Design lectures by Caroline Hummels
03 sept. 2019 | Projet
Probing Future
Probing Future
03 sept. 2019 | Projet
03 sept. 2019 | Projet
À peine hors du lit
À peine hors du lit
03 sept. 2018 | Projet
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming
03 févr. 2016 | Projet
03 sept. 2014 | Projet
Data Resonance
Data Resonance
03 juin 2014 | Projet
Resonnant interaction
Resonnant interaction
10 déc. 2013 | Projet
Sensual Dynamics
Sensual Dynamics
03 sept. 2013 | Projet
Light in Transition
Light in Transition
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
Cadre théorique du design inspiré par la philosophie japonaise
Cadre théorique du design inspiré par la philosophie japonaise
16 oct. 2020 | Recherche
Design and appropriation
Design and appropriation
16 oct. 2020 | Recherche
Design-Philosophy correspondance
Design-Philosophy correspondance
16 oct. 2020 | Recherche
Transforming practices
Transforming practices
16 sept. 2020 | Recherche
Perceptive qualities
Perceptive qualities
16 oct. 2015 | Recherche
Kansei studies, kansei design
Kansei studies, kansei design
16 oct. 2003 | Recherche
ProVi – a transforming vision emerging from reflective practice
09 oct. 2023 | Publication
Sketching Kansei Studies as a Complex Unit
01 janv. 2023 | Publication
Complex Thinking for Kansei Studies - For an epistemological shift of the field
04 sept. 2022 | Publication
From the Station of Being to Societal Transformation: How design can drive a new European Renaissance
01 avr. 2022 | Publication
Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living
05 nov. 2021 | Publication
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys
21 oct. 2021 | Publication
Studying Requirements from Multiple Actors on Vitality Data Platform through the Lens of Socio-technical Systems
20 oct. 2021 | Publication
Je, nous, ils·elles : le·la designer, ses collectifs et les écosystèmes de conception
04 juil. 2021 | Publication
Expériences vécues de design
Expériences vécues de design
04 juil. 2021 | Publication
©Sciences du Design
Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design
17 févr. 2021 | Publication
Artefactual emptiness – On appropriation in kansei design
30 août 2020 | Publication
Studying requirements for designing a vitality data sharing platform from a multi-stakeholder perspective
29 août 2020 | Publication
Philosophy at Work – Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice
14 août 2020 | Publication
Exploring Public Playgrounds through a Data-Enabled Design Approach
20 juil. 2020 | Publication
The Office Jungle: A Vision for Wildness to Turn Offices into Jungles
20 juil. 2020 | Publication
Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices
23 sept. 2019 | Publication
Designing for the everyday through thusness and irregularity
04 sept. 2019 | Publication
A Design Approach towards Affording the Trend of Privacy
28 juin 2019 | Publication
Le temps de l’expérience, enchanter le quotidien par le design
Le temps de l’expérience, enchanter le quotidien par le design
18 nov. 2018 | Publication
The beauty of making hot chocolate, an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals
The beauty of making hot chocolate, an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals
28 juin 2018 | Publication
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2018, KEER 2018
22 mars 2018 | Publication
Analysis of the Design and Engineering-process towards a First Prototype in the Field of Sports and Vitality
22 févr. 2018 | Publication
Light behavior design: violation of unification principles and the effect on the user experience
14 juin 2017 | Publication
Enhancing co-responsibility for patient engagement
14 avr. 2017 | Publication
3D-modeling and 3D-printing explorations on Japanese tea ceremony utensils
23 mars 2017 | Publication
What matters for ritual visualization, towards a design tool for the description and the composition of rituals
02 sept. 2016 | Publication
Reinventing the (steering) wheel, A kansei design approach for novel driving experience
02 sept. 2016 | Publication
Gesture-based and Haptic Interfaces for Connected and Autonomous Driving
31 juil. 2016 | Publication
IxD&A #30, Special issue: On Making
IxD&A #30, Special issue: On Making
22 mars 2016 | Publication
Exploring the challenge of designing rituals
05 nov. 2015 | Publication
The Chatter Door, designing for in-between spaces
11 mai 2015 | Publication
Impact of perception theories on kansei design
06 sept. 2014 | Publication
Perception Theories and Kansei Design
13 août 2014 | Publication
Rite de transition – a design choreographic exploration of cultural value exchange, through development of intercultural ritual artefacts
13 août 2014 | Publication
Exploring constituents for kansei design, towards a framework
12 sept. 2013 | Publication
Matter of transformation, designing an alternative tomorrow inspired by phenomenology
10 sept. 2013 | Publication
Beyond kansei engineering: the emancipation of kansei design
10 sept. 2013 | Publication
Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
30 août 2013 | Publication
People, Place, Process: Lessons Learnt on the Path to a
13 juin 2013 | Publication
Designing for Perceptual Crossing: designing and comparing three behaviors
13 févr. 2013 | Publication
Designing for perceptive qualities: 7 showcases
13 sept. 2012 | Publication
Designing for perceptual crossing: applying and evaluating design notions
10 sept. 2012 | Publication
Introducing research activities: Knowledge Sharing and Creativity with Kansei Design
10 sept. 2012 | Publication
Involving psychophysiological knowledge in Kansei design
10 août 2012 | Publication
When Movement Invites to Experience: a Kansei Design Exploration on Senses’ Qualities
14 avr. 2012 | Publication
Developing a design approach, exploring resistance and ambiguity
14 avr. 2012 | Publication
Psychophysiological Applications in Kansei Design
23 sept. 2011 | Publication
Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience
14 sept. 2011 | Publication
Luciole, lighting up the design process
14 juin 2011 | Publication
Bringing Forth Constructivist Education Assessment: A Frame of Reference to Inspire and to Support Design Education
14 mars 2011 | Publication
10 sept. 2010 | Publication
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010, KEER 2010
04 mars 2010 | Publication
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014, KEER 2014
04 mars 2010 | Publication
Developing sensory functions: Transfer human senses from contextual perception
04 mars 2010 | Publication
Prospective psychophysiological approach for Kansei design: knowledge sharing between psychophysiology and design
22 sept. 2009 | Publication
The Repertory Grid Technique as a Method for the Study of Cultural Differences
10 sept. 2009 | Publication
Colourful Rain, Experiencing Synaesthesia
22 août 2009 | Publication
Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Study Keywords
10 août 2009 | Publication
Methods and Means for Kansei Design
23 juin 2009 | Publication
Neural networks involved in artistic creativity
10 mars 2009 | Publication
Lier Affectivité et Conception: l’Ingénierie Kansei
13 nov. 2008 | Publication
User’s appreciation of engagement in service design: The case of food service design
22 oct. 2008 | Publication
An Approach on Functional Analysis in Developing Guideline for Designing Service-embedded Product
22 oct. 2008 | Publication
Development of Competences for Service Design
22 oct. 2008 | Publication
Designing based on the evoked metaphor, Case study
24 sept. 2008 | Publication
Kansei physiological measurements and contructivist psychological explorations for approaching user subjective experience during and after product usage
23 sept. 2008 | Publication
Explaining kansei design studies
25 mars 2008 | Publication
Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Studies Keywords
28 févr. 2008 | Publication
Kansei-Physiological Measurements and Constructivist, Psychological Explorations for Approaching User’s Subjective Experience during and after the Product Use
25 févr. 2008 | Publication
Interdisciplinary Design Method for EcoDesign, Introducing Kansei research for design to EcoDesign
02 oct. 2007 | Publication
On Kansei and Kansei Design: a Description of a Japanese Design Approach
10 juil. 2007 | Publication
Creating an Evoked Metaphor for Kansei Design
29 juin 2007 | Publication
Towards a definition of Kansei
29 sept. 2006 | Publication
Interdisciplinary workgroup methodology based on Intuition, Application to a communication tool design based on Kansei information approach
10 sept. 2006 | Publication
MATiK, CMC design by Kansei Information approach
29 juin 2006 | Publication
Kansei information approach for an interdisciplinary design method proposal based on intuition
29 avr. 2006 | Publication
Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information, Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei
Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information, Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei
24 mars 2006 | Publication
Introducing MATiK service, Proposition for a new IT communication system through an approach in Kansei
29 sept. 2004 | Publication
Illustrative Industrial Interactions Through Kansei – Towards a dynamic reflection of Kansei in the Marketing/Design/Engineering relationship
29 oct. 2003 | Publication
Design industriel et interdisciplinarité, Méthode et outil d’intégration de l’interdisciplinarité dans la formation pédagogique initiale du design industriel
30 juin 2002 | Publication
La diversité dans l'enseignement du design et des métiers d'art doit faire école
La diversité dans l'enseignement du design et des métiers d'art doit faire école
20 mai 2023 | Écrit
Une histoire commentée du design
Une histoire commentée du design
25 janv. 2025 | Présentation

Designs industriels
Designs industriels
13 janv. 2025 | Présentation
Du design
Du design
19 déc. 2024 | Présentation