Pierre Lévy

Pierre Lévy is a professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, holder of the Chair of design Jean Prouvé, and member of the Dicen-IDF laboratory (EA 7339). He holds an engineering degree in mechanical engineering (UT Compiègne, France), a Ph.D in kansei (affective) science (University of Tsukuba, Japan) and an HDR in information and communication sciences (UT Compiègne, France). He has lived for nearly 10 years in Japan (where he worked in industry and then in several Japanese universities) and 12 years in the Netherlands (at the Eindhoven University of Technology).

His work focuses on the relationship between the creative moments that are the design practice and the appropriation in everyday practices. This work is based on theories related to embodiment, reflexive practices, and Japanese philosophy and thinking. Through this research, Pierre Lévy discusses the posture and societal role of design, and more generally of reflexive practices, in the service of transforming everyday life.

Chaire of Design Jean Prouvé

The Chaire of Design Jean Prouvé is a benevolent place dedicated to the development of design practice and research. It is committed to a program combining research, teaching and design projects, with a view to transformation through reflexive practices in everyday life.


Le design est-il une science humaine ?
Le design est-il une science humaine ?

Duwa, J., Zacklad, M. & Lévy, P. (2024). Le design est-il une science humaine ?, presented at l'École Estienne, Paris, France. February 27th, 2023.

26 Sep 2024 | Events
Seminar of the school of not-knowing
Seminar of the school of not-knowing

This seminar aims to launch the third session of the school of not-Knowing. The first began in September 2022 at the French Institute in Milan and culminated in the form of a first exhibition in the same place in January 2024.

16 Oct 2023 | Events
L'irrégularité, une opportunité sociétale
L'irrégularité, une opportunité sociétale

Lévy, P. (2023). L'irrégularité, une opportunité sociétale, presented at l'École Supérieure d'Art et Design de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France. February 27th, 2023.

27 Feb 2023 | Events
The beauty of the Japanese pattern
The beauty of the Japanese pattern

Lévy, P. (2022). La beauté du motif japonais, presented at École Boulle, Paris, France. September 09th, 2022.


16 Sep 2022 | Events
Inaugural lecture of the Chair of design Jean Prouvé
Inaugural lecture of the Chair of design Jean Prouvé

Lévy, P. (2022). The moment of design - Inaugural lecture of the Chair of design Jean Prouvé, presented at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France. May 13th, 2022.

18 May 2022 | Events
Mediums in design
Mediums in design
©Kilimanjaro STUDIOz

We are in need of inquiry into the epistemology of practice. What is the kind of knowing in which competent practitioners engage? How is professional knowing like and unlike the kinds of knowledge presented in academic textbooks, scientific papers, and learned journals? In what sense, if any, is there intellectual rigor in professional practice?
- Donald A. Schön (1983)

11 Dec 2021 | Events
Entre méthodes et pratiques en design - un moment d'apprentissage
Entre méthodes et pratiques en design - un moment d'apprentissage
©the students of Lycée Auguste Renoir

Je voudrais m'intéresser aujourd'hui à la place des méthodes et des pratiques en design, et décrire leur entre-deux comme un lieu de développement des pratiques, c'est-à-dire comme moment d'apprentissage réflexif sur la pratique.

18 Nov 2021 | Events
Designing for Systemic Change
Designing for Systemic Change

Many societal challenges require a systemic approach towards change. An approach where multiple stakeholders together create insight in the challenge at hand, and explore possible directions for systemic change. This session explores the concept of Designing for Systemic Change, including: what is it, how do we approach it, and what are the challenges we face?

03 Oct 2019 | Events
Design 3.0 Forum
Design 3.0 Forum

Design 3.0 Forum aims to raise and discuss the challenging issues in design research, education and practice in this newly emerging paradigm we now face with new forms of end-user products such as intelligent products and services, DIY/fabrication tools, and IoTs. These new forms of products and services change the ways people interact with them and shape their everyday lives.

03 Sep 2019 | Events
Contemplating the impossible
Contemplating the impossible

Lévy, P. (2018). Contemplating the Impossible, presented at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. October 19th, 2018.

19 Oct 2018 | Events
Kees Overbeeke symposium
Kees Overbeeke symposium

Preceeding the inaugural lecture of prof. Stephan Wensveen, you are cordially invited to attend the Kees Overbeeke symposium at the Senaatszaal in the Auditorium, on Friday, October 19, 2018.
On the legacy of Prof. Kees Overbeeke

09 Oct 2018 | Events
People Place Process: A self-reflection tool to become a professional in design thinking, based on pedagogical action research
People Place Process: A self-reflection tool to become a professional in design thinking, based on pedagogical action research

The nature of design thinking projects requires a great capacity to solve situated-inquiry problems (versus technical problem solving – Schön). Design thinking requires practitioners to become reflective professionals. This piece of research provides a protocol and tools to guide their journey of self-reflection.
Doctoral dissertation of Véronique Hillen

23 May 2017 | Events
Perspectives en design d’interaction
Perspectives en design d’interaction

Lévy, P. (2016). Perspectives en design d’interaction, presented at La Pré-Fabrique de l’innovation – UdL, Saint-Étienne. June 10th, 2016

10 Jun 2016 | Events
Experiential design landscapes: how to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle
Experiential design landscapes: how to design for behaviour change, towards an active lifestyle

The design process is taken into society by creating infrastructures where designers work together with stakeholders in jointly creating experienceable propositions that can evolve over time.
Doctoral dissertation of Carl Megens and Michel Peeters

15 Apr 2015 | Events
The bases of direct interaction design

Lévy, P. (2013). The bases of direct interaction design, presented at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan. December 3rd, 2013.

03 Dec 2013 | Events
Direct interaction design

Lévy, P. (2013). Direct interaction design, presented at Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan. November 19th, 2013.

19 Nov 2013 | Events
Holism and kansei design, kansei beyond borders

Lévy, P. (2013). Holism and kansei design – kansei beyond borders, presented at the International Colloquium on Kansei and Design 2013, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. August 30th, 2013.

30 Aug 2013 | Events
Perceptive Qualities in System of Interactive Products
Perceptive Qualities in System of Interactive Products

On May 3rd 2013, Eva Deckers has received a Ph.D. degree CUM LAUDE on the topic of Perceptive Qualities in System of Interactive Products.

23 May 2013 | Events
Systems Design - The Eindhoven School
Systems Design - The Eindhoven School

While we are starting to understand how to design for interaction through the integrating of form, interaction and function, the next challenge is already in sight: designing for systems.

12 Dec 2012 | Events
Shift - an installation for the Glow festival
Shift - an installation for the Glow festival

Light through Culture is an international design school which explores the theme of complexity in learning environments.

12 Oct 2012 | Events
The Practice of Constructive Design Research
The Practice of Constructive Design Research

The Practice of Constructive Design Research is a conversation proposed by Stoffel Kuenen at the DRS2014 conference.

03 Sep 2012 | Events
The multi-disciplinary nature of kansei research: an historical approach

Lévy, P. (2012). The multi-disciplinary nature of kansei research: an historical approach. Penghu, Taiwan.

13 Jul 2012 | Events
Special issue: kansei research in Europe

Lévy, P. (2012). Special issue: kansei research in Europe, presented at the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2012, KEER2012, Penghu, Taiwan. May 22-25, 2012.

25 May 2012 | Events
Rights through Making - Skills for Pervasive Ethics
Rights through Making - Skills for Pervasive Ethics

Pervasive ethics is a social praxis aimed at justice and freedom, which pervades society in a capillary way, becoming a Universal attitude that makes people aware of their own rights, able and willing to contribute to seeing their own rights and those of all people fulfilled.
Doctoral dissertation of Ambra Trotto

15 May 2012 | Events
Making the world through kansei: 3 Approaches

Lévy, P. (2012). Making the world through kansei: 3 Approaches, presented at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. March 16th, 2012.

16 Mar 2012 | Events
Light through Culture - Experience Human Rights
Light through Culture - Experience Human Rights

Light through Culture is an international design school which explores the theme of complexity in learning environments.

15 Jan 2012 | Events
Kansei et kansei design

Lévy, P. (2011). Kansei et kansei design, presented at l'École Nationale Supérieure de la Création Industrielle, Paris, France. March 31st, 2011.

31 Mar 2011 | Events
The origin of experience

Lévy, P. (2011). The origin of experience, presented at the the seminar series Catch the Future, the Department of Industrial Design of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea. March 8th, 2011

08 Mar 2011 | Events
Kansei research in Eurasia

Lévy, P. (2010). Kansei research in Eurasia, presented at the the TIK Symposium 2010, Taihung, Taiwan. October 23rd, 2010.

23 Oct 2010 | Events
Kansei Engineering|Science, Trans|Interdisciplinary Research

Lévy, P. (2008). Kansei Engineering|Science – Trans|Interdisciplinary Research, presented at the KEER International Symposium 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. October 2nd, 2008.

02 Oct 2008 | Events
Kansei and Kansei Studies: an Overview towards Kansei Design

Lévy, P. (2008). Kansei and Kansei Studies: an Overview towards Kansei Design, presented at the the International Symposium of the 21th Century COE Program for the Promotion of Kansei Science for Understanding the Mechanism of Mind and Heart, Tsukuba, Japan. September 9th, 2007.

09 Sep 2007 | Events
USMC85 · Dialoguing
USMC85 · Dialoguing

The major aim of this course is to improve students' scientific or technical presentation skills, focusing on the roles and the effects of involved media in presenting a project (e.g., a poster, an artefact, a video...).

01 Oct 2024 | Teaching
DSN201 · Pratiques de recherche en design, art et création
DSN201 · Pratiques de recherche en design, art et création

Cette UE propose une vue d'ensemble des pratiques de la recherche en design, art et création, afin de contextualiser la pratique dans l'activité de recherche.

01 Sep 2022 | Teaching
DSN202 · Pratiques réflexives en design, art et création
DSN202 · Pratiques réflexives en design, art et création

Cette UE fournit des outils, issus des domaines du design et de l’innovation, permettant la réflexion transformative des pratiques professionnelles (celles structurées par une normalisation partagée), ou du quotidien (celles rendues habituelles par normalisation personnelle).

01 Sep 2022 | Teaching
TET007-M1 · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information
TET007-M1 · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information

Cette UE fournit une vue globale du fonctionnement de l’internet, enseigne les bases des languages essentiels au fonctionnement de l’internet (HTML, CSS, JS), et d'outils actuellement utilisés sur l’internet. L’objectif est d’acculturer les apprenants au fonctionnement de l’internet et aux outils permettant d’y structurer l’information.

01 Sep 2021 | Teaching
TET007-RNCP · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information
TET007-RNCP · Approche pratique du numérique et la recherche d'information

Cette UE forme à une culture numérique permettant de s'engager dans des recherches d'information et des synthèses utiles à la vie professionnelle principalement sur le web.

01 Sep 2021 | Teaching
Matter of Transformation
Matter of Transformation

How the interweaving between design, philosophy and human & social sciences impacts practices, societies and individuals

04 Nov 2019 | Teaching
Designing for the everyday
Designing for the everyday

Addressing the ordinary through design

04 Sep 2018 | Teaching
Composing Everyday Rituals
Composing Everyday Rituals

Addressing these qualities embodied in rituals from an interaction design perspective

01 Sep 2016 | Teaching
Designing rituals
Designing rituals

The aim of this course is to address these qualities embodied in rituals from an interaction design perspective, and to explore the relation between the designed artefacts and the rituals they are involved in.

03 Nov 2014 | Teaching
Designing Quality in Interaction theory
Designing Quality in Interaction theory

The primacy of perception towards interaction is the main focus of this workshop, proposing an approach to effectively taking it into consideration in the design process.

03 Sep 2011 | Teaching
PhD in Arts, Design & Society
PhD in Arts, Design & Society

La mention « Arts, Design et Société » de l’École Doctorale Abbé Grégoire (ED 546) porte sur un ensemble de disciplines liant création et société. C’est à cette intersection que la recherche doctorale de cette mention trouve sa pertinence, entre considérations épistémologiques, artistiques et industrielles, sociétales et écologiques, entre création, conception et innovation.

01 Sep 2023 | Courses
Master Design
Master Design

L'objectif de ce Master est de former des créateurs capables de concevoir leur projet professionnel, d’inventer leur pratique de design de manière prospective en intégrant l’évolution des sociétés et des contextes culturels et techniques sans cesse redéfinis.

01 Oct 2021 | Courses
Master Design · Parcours Création, Projet, Transdisciplinarité
Master Design · Parcours Création, Projet, Transdisciplinarité

Ce master en résidence a pour objectif de favoriser le travail transdisciplinaire sous la forme de collectifs de projets en design en croisant les problématiques de l’institution hôte, les enjeux contemporains sociaux et environnementaux.


01 Oct 2021 | Courses
School of not-knowing
School of not-knowing

The School of not-knowing is based on the conviction that dialogue between art, design, science and society can open up new horizons for understanding and apprehending known and yet-to-be-discovered worlds.

31 Jan 2024 | Projects
TransFabriC - Institute of Circular Transfabrication
TransFabriC - Institute of Circular Transfabrication

TransFabriC - Institute of Circular Transfabrication materializes the ambition of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts to accompany the development of social and citizen practices for the emergence of a social, solidarity and circular economy (SSCE). The aim is to create an operating eco-system, training courses and a research program, together capable of bringing about the emergence of an ESSC that meets the historical missions of the Cnam.

01 Dec 2022 | Projects
Design apocalypse, a manifesto
Design apocalypse, a manifesto

A video on the role and the engagement of design in the time of expected apocalypse. A manifesto by Gion van den Broek, Nils Hollestelle, Lupe van Ratingen, Roshni Suresh, Yvonne Ubbink, and Joep Vossen

17 Jun 2021 | Projects
Transforming Practices squad
Transforming Practices squad

Transforming Practices (TP) considers the transformations of our societies, dealing with major societal issues, local challenges for social resilience, or everyday activities, as well as their interrelations. Envisioning transformative practices, we question through designing the how, who, why and what of design for these major societal issues.

26 Apr 2020 | Projects
Design lectures by Caroline Hummels
Design lectures by Caroline Hummels

A series of recorded lectures on design,
by prof.dr.ir. Caroline Hummels @TU/e.

03 Sep 2019 | Projects
Probing Future
Probing Future

In this Design Fiction project, several potential healthcare futures are explored in a collaboration between Philips Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Design Academy Eindhoven, and Frank Kolkman.

03 Sep 2019 | Projects

Stewart is a tactile interface designed for a fully autonomous car.
a final bachelor project by Felix Ros

03 Sep 2019 | Projects
Barely out of bed
Barely out of bed


03 Sep 2018 | Projects
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming

This research focuses on what happens to our relationship with objects when they come alive and engage in reciprocal communication with us.
An (es)sense research project by Kevin N. Andersen

03 Feb 2016 | Projects

Nobody ever said that defying gravity is easy!
a final bachelor project by Alex Jurtan

03 Sep 2014 | Projects
Data Resonance
Data Resonance

What does data feel like?
by Sander Dijkhuis

03 Jun 2014 | Projects
Resonnant interaction
Resonnant interaction

Resonnant interaction, on irresistibleness through design - By Kevin Andersen

10 Dec 2013 | Projects
Sensual Dynamics
Sensual Dynamics

The primacy of perception towards interaction is the main focus of this workshop, proposing an approach to effectively taking it into consideration in the design process.

03 Sep 2013 | Projects
Light in Transition
Light in Transition

Intelligent products and systems are omnipresent, weave into our everyday life, and consequently have the power to transform our society. Adoption of these systems in our environments invites for exploring further how we interact with our environment.
by Nadine Amersvoort

03 Sep 2012 | Projects

This research project focuses on how to design for perceptive activity in artifacts in order for crossing in perception of expressivity between person and artifact to happen.
by Koen Beljaars

03 Sep 2012 | Projects

Due to its curious nature Monty might not always be focused on what you are doing. He can however be temporarily motivated to move towards a particular area on your desk.
by Rens Alkemade

03 Sep 2012 | Projects

Passage is a kansei design project on the in-between space carried out in 2012 by Gracia Goh, Chiyong Lim, and Kate Vermeyen at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

03 Sep 2012 | Projects
Design et appropriation
Design et appropriation

Étudier la vie quotidienne serait une entreprise parfaitement ridicule,et d’abord condamnée à ne rien saisir de son objet, si l’on ne se proposait pas explicitementd’étudier la vie quotidienne afin de la transformer.
- Guy Debord (1961)

16 Oct 2020 | Research
Japanese philosophy inspired design framework
Japanese philosophy inspired design framework

Studying the everyday life would be an absurd undertaking,and anyway fated to catch nothing of its object, if studying the everyday life would explicitlybe with the intention to transform it.
- Guy Debord (1961)

16 Oct 2020 | Research
Correspondance design-philosophie
Correspondance design-philosophie

16 Oct 2020 | Research
Pratiques transformatives
Pratiques transformatives

Every experience enacted and undergone modifies the one who acts and undergoes, while this modification affects, whether we wish it or not, the quality of subsequent experiences. For it is a somewhat different person who enters into them.
- Dewey (2015:35)

16 Sep 2020 | Research
Qualités perceptives
Qualités perceptives

Et ceux qui dansaient furent considérés comme fous par ceux qui ne pouvaient entendre la musique.
- Friederich Nietsche (1885)

16 Oct 2015 | Research
Kansei studies, kansei design
Kansei studies, kansei design

A piece of waka makes your heart abate and kansei, which is a virtue of waka.
- Yoshida (1687)

16 Oct 2003 | Research
ProVi – a transforming vision emerging from reflective practice

Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2023). ProVi – a transforming vision emerging from reflective practice. In D., De Sainz , L., Galluzzo & D., Spallazzo (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design Milan, Italy: School of Design, Politecnico di Milano. https://doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.361

09 Oct 2023 | Publications
Sketching Kansei Studies as a Complex Unit

Levy, P. (2023). Sketching Kansei Studies as a Complex Unit. In S., Fukuda (Eds.), Emotional Engineering, Vol. 9 . Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05867-7_7

01 Jan 2023 | Publications
Complex Thinking for Kansei Studies - For an epistemological shift of the field

Levy, P. (2022). Complex Thinking for Kansei Studies - For an epistemological shift of the field. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2022 - KEER2022 Barcelona, Spain: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

04 Sep 2022 | Publications
From the Station of Being to Societal Transformation: How design can drive a new European Renaissance

Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. , Peeters, J.P.A. , Yoo, D. & Levy, P. (2022). From the Station of Being to Societal Transformation: How design can drive a new European Renaissance. The Next Renaissance - Culture and Creativity shaping Europe . Paris, France: Odile Jacob. ISBN: 978-2-4150-0199-5.

01 Apr 2022 | Publications
Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living

Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2021). Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living. In the Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2021 Symposium, RSD10. Delft, The Netherlands Delft, The Netherlands.

05 Nov 2021 | Publications
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys

Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. , Levy, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , van der Veen, R. , Yoo, D. , Johansson, M. , Smith, M. & van der Zwan, S. (2021). Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys. Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

21 Oct 2021 | Publications
Studying Requirements from Multiple Actors on Vitality Data Platform through the Lens of Socio-technical Systems

Wada, K. , van Renswouw, L. , Levy, P. , Wallner, G. & Vos, S.B. (2021). Studying Requirements from Multiple Actors on Vitality Data Platform through the Lens of Socio-technical Systems. International Journal of Affective Engineering. 20(4). https://doi.org/10.5057/ijae.IJAE-D-20-00041

20 Oct 2021 | Publications
Je, nous, ils·elles : le·la designer, ses collectifs et les écosystèmes de conception

Berger, E. & Levy, P. (2021). Je, nous, ils·elles: Le·la designer, ses collectifs et les écosystèmes de conception. In E., Berger & P., Levy (Eds.), Sciences du Design. 13(1). Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. https://doi.org/10.3917/sdd.013.0010

04 Jul 2021 | Publications
Expériences vécues de design
Expériences vécues de design
©Sciences du Design

Berger, E. & Levy, P. (Eds.). 2021. Sciences du Design: Expériences vécues de design. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. ISSN: 2428.

04 Jul 2021 | Publications
Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design

Smith, M. , van der Zwan, S. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2017). Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI21 Salzburg, Austria: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3430524.3440639

17 Feb 2021 | Publications
Artefactual emptiness – On appropriation in kansei design

Levy, P. (2020). Artefactual emptiness - On appropriation in kansei design. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2020 - KEER2020 Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

30 Aug 2020 | Publications
Studying requirements for designing a vitality data sharing platform from a multi-stakeholder perspective

Wada, K. , van Renswouw, L. , Wallner, G. , Levy, P. & Vos, S.B. (2020). Studying requirements for designing a vitality data sharing platform from a multi-stakeholder perspective. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2020 - KEER2020 Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

29 Aug 2020 | Publications
Philosophy at Work – Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice

van der Zwan, S. , Smith, M. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2020). Philosophy at Work - Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice. In the Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2020, DRS2020 Sydney, Australia: Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2020.337

14 Aug 2020 | Publications
Exploring Public Playgrounds through a Data-Enabled Design Approach

van den Heuvel, R. , Levy, P. , Vos, S.B. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2020). Exploring Public Playgrounds through a Data-Enabled Design Approach. In Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS2020 New York, NY, USA: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3393914.3395865

20 Jul 2020 | Publications
The Office Jungle: A Vision for Wildness to Turn Offices into Jungles

Nieuweboer, I. , Damen, I. , Brombacher, H. , Levy, P. , Vos, S.B. & Lallemand, C. (2020). The Office Jungle: A Vision for Wildness to Turn Offices into Jungles. In Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS2020 New York, NY, USA: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3393914.3395818

20 Jul 2020 | Publications
Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices

Hummels, C.C.M. , Trotto, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , Levy, P. , Alves Lino, J. & Klooster, S. (2019). Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices. Strategy for change . Glasgow, UK: Glasgow Caledonian University. ISBN: 978-972-789-482-6.

23 Sep 2019 | Publications
Designing for the everyday through thusness and irregularity

Levy, P. (2019). Designing for the everyday through thusness and irregularity. In the Proceedings of 8th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2019 Manchester, UK: Manchester Metropolitan University.

04 Sep 2019 | Publications
A Design Approach towards Affording the Trend of Privacy

Muller, D.A. & Levy, P. (2019). A Design Approach towards Affording the Trend of Privacy. In Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS19 New York, NY, USA: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3322276.3322324

28 Jun 2019 | Publications
Le temps de l’expérience, enchanter le quotidien par le design
Le temps de l’expérience, enchanter le quotidien par le design

Levy, P. (2018). Le temps de l'expérience, Enchanter le quotidien par le design. Compiègne, France: Compiègne University of Technology.

18 Nov 2018 | Publications
The beauty of making hot chocolate, an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals
The beauty of making hot chocolate, an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals

Levy, P. (2018). The beauty of making hot chocolate – an inquiry on designing for everyday rituals. In Design Research Society 2018, DRS2018 Limerick, Ireland: Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2018.514

28 Jun 2018 | Publications
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2018, KEER 2018

Lokman, A.M. , Yamanaka, T. , Levy, P. , Chen, J.C. & Koyama, S. (Eds.). 2018. the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018 – KEER2018. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering. ISBN: 978-981-10-8612-0.

22 Mar 2018 | Publications
Analysis of the Design and Engineering-process towards a First Prototype in the Field of Sports and Vitality

Marjanovic, M. A. , van den Heuvel, R. , Megens, C. J. P. G. , Levy, P. & Vos, S.B. (2008). Analysis of the design and engineering-process towards a first prototype in the field of sports and vitality. In the Proceedings of 12th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, 6(2) Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2060297

22 Feb 2018 | Publications
Light behavior design: violation of unification principles and the effect on the user experience

Dassen, W. , Wensveen, S. & Levy, P. (2017). Light Behavior Design: Violation of Unification Principles and the Effect on the User Experience. In Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS17 New York, NY, USA: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3064857.3079157

14 Jun 2017 | Publications
Enhancing co-responsibility for patient engagement

Neutelings, I. , Levy, P. , Djajadiningrat, T. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2017). Enhancing co-responsibility for patient engagement. The Design Journal. 20(sup1). https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352743

14 Apr 2017 | Publications
3D-modeling and 3D-printing explorations on Japanese tea ceremony utensils

Levy, P. & Yamada, S. (2017). 3D-modeling and 3D-printing explorations on Japanese tea ceremony utensils. In the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions - TEI17 Yokohama, Japan: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3024969.3024990

23 Mar 2017 | Publications
What matters for ritual visualization, towards a design tool for the description and the composition of rituals

Levy, P. & Hengeveld, B.J. (2016). What matters for ritual visualization – Towards a design tool for the description and the composition of rituals. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2016 - KEER2016 Leeds, UK: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

02 Sep 2016 | Publications
Reinventing the (steering) wheel, A kansei design approach for novel driving experience

Kennedy, R. & Levy, P. (2016). Reinventing the (steering) wheel – A kansei design approach for novel driving experience. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2016 - KEER2016 Leeds, UK: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

02 Sep 2016 | Publications
Gesture-based and Haptic Interfaces for Connected and Autonomous Driving

Terken, J. , Levy, P. , Wang, C. , Karjanto, J. , Yusof, N.M. , Ros, F. & Zwaan, S. (2016). Gesture-Based and Haptic Interfaces for Connected and Autonomous Driving. In I.L., Nunes (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions, Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and System Interactions, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41956-5_11

31 Jul 2016 | Publications
IxD&A #30, Special issue: On Making
IxD&A #30, Special issue: On Making

Marti, P. , Frens, J. , Hengeveld, B. & Levy, P. (Eds.). 2016. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), special issue: On Making. ISSN: 1826-9745.

22 Mar 2016 | Publications
Exploring the challenge of designing rituals

Levy, P. (2015). Exploring the challenge of designing rituals. In V., Popovic , A., Blackler & B., Kraal (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2015 Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.

05 Nov 2015 | Publications
The Chatter Door, designing for in-between spaces

Duel, T. & Levy, P. (2015). The Chatter Door, designing for in-between spaces. In V., Popovic , A., Blackler & B., Kraal (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2015 Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.

11 May 2015 | Publications
Impact of perception theories on kansei design

Levy, P. (2014). Impact of perception theories on kansei design. Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 13(1).

06 Sep 2014 | Publications
Perception Theories and Kansei Design

Levy, P. (2014). Perception Theories and Kansei Design. In P., Levy , S., Schütte & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 - KEER14 Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

13 Aug 2014 | Publications
Rite de transition – a design choreographic exploration of cultural value exchange, through development of intercultural ritual artefacts

Kint, J. , Klooster, S. & Levy, P. (2014). Rite de transition – a design choreographic exploration of cultural value exchange, through development of intercultural ritual artefacts. In P., Levy , S., Schütte & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 - KEER14 Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

13 Aug 2014 | Publications
Exploring constituents for kansei design, towards a framework

Levy, P. (2013). Exploring constituents for kansei design, towards a framework. In the Proceedings of 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, IASDR 2013 Tokyo, Japan: Shibaura University of Technology.

12 Sep 2013 | Publications
Matter of transformation, designing an alternative tomorrow inspired by phenomenology

Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2013). Matter of Transformation: Designing an Alternative Tomorrow Inspired by Phenomenology. Interactions. 20(6). https://doi.org/10.1145/2533713

10 Sep 2013 | Publications
Beyond kansei engineering: the emancipation of kansei design

Levy, P. (2013). Beyond kansei engineering: the emancipation of kansei design. International Journal of Design. 7(2).

10 Sep 2013 | Publications
Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO)

Levy, P. (2013). Portfolio for the University Teaching Qualification (BKO). Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

30 Aug 2013 | Publications
People, Place, Process: Lessons Learnt on the Path to a d.school

Hillen, V. & Levy, P. (2013). People, Place, Process: Lessons Learnt on the Path to a d.school. In U., Lindemann , S., V , Y.S., Kim , S.W., Lee , J., Clarkson & G., Cascini (Eds.), the Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, ICED13 Seoul, Korea: The Design Society.

13 Jun 2013 | Publications
Designing for Perceptual Crossing: designing and comparing three behaviors

Deckers, E.J.L. , Wensveen, S. , Levy, P. & Ahn, R. (2013). Designing for Perceptual Crossing: designing and comparing three behaviors. In the Proceedings of SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI'13 Paris, France: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2470654.2466251

13 Feb 2013 | Publications
Designing for perceptive qualities: 7 showcases

Deckers, E.J.L. & Levy, P. (2012). Designing for perceptive qualities: 7 showcases. In the Proceedings of Design Interactive Systems Conference, DIS12 Newcastle, UK: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2317956.2318030

13 Sep 2012 | Publications
Designing for perceptual crossing: applying and evaluating design notions

Deckers, E.J.L. , Levy, P. , Wensveen, S. , Ahn, R. & Overbeeke, K. (2012). Designing for perceptual crossing: applying and evaluating design notions. International Journal of Design. 6(3).

10 Sep 2012 | Publications
Introducing research activities: Knowledge Sharing and Creativity with Kansei Design

Levy, P. (2009). Introducing research activities: Knowledge Sharing and Creativity with Kansei Design. Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering. 8(2).

10 Sep 2012 | Publications
Involving psychophysiological knowledge in Kansei design

Levy, P. , Kim, D. , Tsai, T.J. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2012). Involving psychophysiological knowledge in Kansei design. International Journal of Design Engineering. 5(2). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJDE.2012.053018

10 Aug 2012 | Publications
When Movement Invites to Experience: a Kansei Design Exploration on Senses’ Qualities

Levy, P. , Deckers, E.J.L. & Restrepo Cruz, M. (2012). When Movement Invites to Experience: a Kansei Design Exploration on Senses' Qualities. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2012 - KEER12 Penghu, Taiwan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

14 Apr 2012 | Publications
Developing a design approach, exploring resistance and ambiguity

Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2012). Developing a design approach, exploring resistance and ambiguity. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2012 - KEER12 Penghu, Taiwan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

14 Apr 2012 | Publications
Psychophysiological Applications in Kansei Design

Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. & Tomico, O. (2011). Psychophysiological Applications in Kansei Design. In Y., Dai , B., Chakraborty & M., Shi (Eds.), Kansei Engineering and Soft Computing: Theory and Practice . Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-61692-797-4.ch015

23 Sep 2011 | Publications
Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience

Levy, P. , Kuenen, S. , Overbeeke, K. , Uchiyama, T. & Yamanaka, T. (2011). Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience. In N., Roozenburg , L.L., Chen & P.J., Stappers (Eds.), the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research 2011, IASDR11 Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.

14 Sep 2011 | Publications
Luciole, lighting up the design process

Levy, P. , Wijnen, J. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Vinke, A.A. (2011). Luciole, lighting up the design process. In P., Marti , A., Soro , L., Gamberini & S., Bagnara (Eds.), the Proceedings of 9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Facing Complexity - CHItaly Alghero, Italy: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2037296.2037323

14 Jun 2011 | Publications
Bringing Forth Constructivist Education Assessment: A Frame of Reference to Inspire and to Support Design Education

Levy, P. , Hummels, C.C.M. & Vinke, A.A. (2011). Bringing Forth Constructivist Education Assessment: A Frame of Reference to Inspire and to Support Design Education. In the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Rome, Italy: CGPublisher.

14 Mar 2011 | Publications

Yamanaka, T. & Levy, P. (2010). 感性価値の高い化粧品開発にむけた手法と考え方 感性認知脳科学的視点から考える感性価値創造 [Kansei Science and Kansei Value Creation through Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences]. Cosmetic Stage. 4(33).

10 Sep 2010 | Publications
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010, KEER 2010

Levy, P. , Bouchard, C. , Aoussat, A. & Yamanaka, T. (Eds.). 2010. The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010 – KEER2010. Paris, France: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering. ISBN: 978-4-9905104-0-4.

04 Mar 2010 | Publications
The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014, KEER 2014

Levy, P. , Schütte, S. & Yamanaka, T. (Eds.). 2014. The Proceedings of the Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2014 – KEER2014. Linköping, Sweden: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

04 Mar 2010 | Publications
Developing sensory functions: Transfer human senses from contextual perception

Tsai, T.J. , Levy, P. , Ono, K. & Watanabe, M. (2010). Developing sensory functions: transfer human senses from contextual perception. In P., Levy , C., Bouchard , A., Aoussat & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010 - KEER2010 Paris, France: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

04 Mar 2010 | Publications
Prospective psychophysiological approach for Kansei design: knowledge sharing between psychophysiology and design

Levy, P. & Watanabe, M. (2009). Prospective psychophysiological approach for Kansei design: knowledge sharing between psychophysiology and design. In the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2009 - IASDR09 Seoul, Korea: Korean Society of Design Science.

22 Sep 2009 | Publications
The Repertory Grid Technique as a Method for the Study of Cultural Differences

Tomico, O. , Karapanos, E. , Levy, P. , Mizutani, N. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). The Repertory Grid Technique as a Method for the Study of Cultural Differences. International Journal of Design. 3(3).

10 Sep 2009 | Publications
Colourful Rain, Experiencing Synaesthesia

Levy, P. , Kim, D. , Tsai, T.J. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). Colourful Rain – Experiencing Synaesthesia. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces - DPPI09 Compiègne, France.

22 Aug 2009 | Publications
Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Study Keywords

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2009). Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Study Keywords. Kansei Engineering International. 8(2).

10 Aug 2009 | Publications
Methods and Means for Kansei Design

Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. & Tomico, O. (2009). Methods and Means for Kansei Design. In ErgoDesign2009 Lyon, France.

23 Jun 2009 | Publications
Neural networks involved in artistic creativity

Kowatari, Y. , Lee, S.H. , Yamamura, H. , Nagamori, Y. , Levy, P. , Yamane, S. & Yamamoto, M. (2009). Neural networks involved in artistic creativity. Human Brain Mapping. 30(5). https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.20633

10 Mar 2009 | Publications
Lier Affectivité et Conception: l’Ingénierie Kansei

Levy, P. (2008). Lier Affectivité et Conception: l’Ingénierie Kansei.

13 Nov 2008 | Publications
User’s appreciation of engagement in service design: The case of food service design

Levy, P. & Wakabayashi, N. (2008). User's appreciation of engagement in service design: The case of food service design. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.

22 Oct 2008 | Publications
An Approach on Functional Analysis in Developing Guideline for Designing Service-embedded Product

Tsai, T.J. , Levy, P. , Ono, K. & Watanabe, M. (2008). An Approach on Functional Analysis in Developing Guideline for Designing Service-embedded Product. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.

22 Oct 2008 | Publications
Development of Competences for Service Design

Ono, K. , Levy, P. , Ishizuka, A. , Hachima, S. & Watanabe, M. (2008). Development of Competences for Service Design. In the Proceedings of International Service Innovation Design Conference 2008 - ISIDC08 Busan, Korea: Japanese Society for the Science of Design.

22 Oct 2008 | Publications
Designing based on the evoked metaphor, Case study

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Designing based on the evoked metaphor - Case study. In N., Bojcetic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Design Conference 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.

24 Sep 2008 | Publications
Kansei physiological measurements and contructivist psychological explorations for approaching user subjective experience during and after product usage

Tomico, O. , Mizutani, N. , Levy, P. , Takahiro, Y. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Kansei physiological measurements and contructivist psychological explorations for approaching user subjective experience during and after product usage. In D., Marjanovic , M., Storga , N., Pavkovic & N., Bojcetic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 10th International Design Conference 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.

23 Sep 2008 | Publications
Explaining kansei design studies

Levy, P. , Nakamori, S. & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Explaining kansei design studies. In P.M.A., Desmet , P., Tsvetanova , P., Hekkert & L., Justice (Eds.), the Proceedings of Design and Emotion Conference 2008 - D&E08 Hong-Kong: School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

25 Mar 2008 | Publications
Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Studies Keywords

Lévy, P., & Yamanaka, T. (2008). Kansei Studies Description and Mapping through Kansei Studies Keywords. the Proceedings of International Symposium on Emotion and Sensitivity 2008 - ISES08. Daejeon, Korea.

28 Feb 2008 | Publications
Kansei-Physiological Measurements and Constructivist, Psychological Explorations for Approaching User’s Subjective Experience during and after the Product Use

Yamanaka, T. , Tomico, O. , Mizutani, N. , Yokoi, T. , Cho, Y. & Levy, P. (2008). Kansei-Physiological Measurements and Constructivist – Psychological Explorations for Approaching User's Subjective Experience during and after the Product Use. In the Proceedings of International Symposium on Emotion and Sensitivity 2008 - ISES08 Daejeon, Korea: Korean Society of Design Science.

25 Feb 2008 | Publications
Interdisciplinary Design Method for EcoDesign, Introducing Kansei research for design to EcoDesign

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2007). Interdisciplinary Design Method for EcoDesign – Introducing Kansei research for design to EcoDesign. In the Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing - EcoDesign2007 Tokyo, Japan: IEEE.

02 Oct 2007 | Publications
On Kansei and Kansei Design: a Description of a Japanese Design Approach

Levy, P. , Lee, S.H. & Yamanaka, T. (2007). On Kansei and Kansei Design: a Description of a Japanese Design Approach. In the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2007 - IASDR07 Hong-Kong: School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

10 Jul 2007 | Publications
Creating an Evoked Metaphor for Kansei Design

Levy, P. , Yamanaka, T. , Liu, W. & Igarashi, H. (2007). Creating an Evoked Metaphor for Kansei Design. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research - KEER07 Sapporo, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

29 Jun 2007 | Publications
Towards a definition of Kansei

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Towards a definition of Kansei. In the Proceedings of 2006 Design Research Society International Conference, Wonderground 2006 Lisbon, Portugal.

29 Sep 2006 | Publications
Interdisciplinary workgroup methodology based on Intuition, Application to a communication tool design based on Kansei information approach

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Interdisciplinary workgroup methodology based on Intuition – Application to a communication tool design based on Kansei information approach. Kansei Engineering International. 5(4).

10 Sep 2006 | Publications
MATiK, CMC design by Kansei Information approach

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). MATiK – CMC design by Kansei Information approach. In the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Intelligent Systems - KEIS'06 Aizu, Japan: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.

29 Jun 2006 | Publications
Kansei information approach for an interdisciplinary design method proposal based on intuition

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2006). Kansei information approach for an interdisciplinary design method proposal based on intuition. In D., Marjanovic (Eds.), the Proceedings of 9th International Design Conference 2006 Dubrovnik, Croatia: Design Society.

29 Apr 2006 | Publications
Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information, Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei
Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information, Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei

Levy, P. (2006). Interdisciplinary design for the cyberspace by an approach in kansei information – Methodology and Workgroup Communication Tool Design Approach in Kansei. Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba.

24 Mar 2006 | Publications
Introducing MATiK service, Proposition for a new IT communication system through an approach in Kansei

Levy, P. & Yamanaka, T. (2004). Introducing MATiK service – Proposition for a new IT communication system through an approach in Kansei. In the Proceedings of 2004 Design Research Society International Conference - Futureground 2004 Melbourne, Australia: Monash University.

29 Sep 2004 | Publications
Illustrative Industrial Interactions Through Kansei – Towards a dynamic reflection of Kansei in the Marketing/Design/Engineering relationship

Sanabria, J.C. , Levy, P. & Lee, S.H. (2003). Illustrative Industrial Interactions Through Kansei – Towards a dynamic reflection of Kansei in the Marketing/Design/Engineering relationship. In H., Aoki (Eds.), the Proceedings of 6th Asian Design International Conference - 6thADC Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba.

29 Oct 2003 | Publications
Design industriel et interdisciplinarité, Méthode et outil d’intégration de l’interdisciplinarité dans la formation pédagogique initiale du design industriel

Levy, P. (2002). Design industriel et interdisciplinarité – Méthode et outil d'intégration de l'interdisciplinarité dans la formation pédagogique initiale du design industriel. Compiègne, France: Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

30 Jun 2002 | Publications
La diversité dans l'enseignement du design et des métiers d'art doit faire école
La diversité dans l'enseignement du design et des métiers d'art doit faire école

Levy, P. (2023). La diversité dans l'enseignement du design et des métiers d'art doit faire école.

20 May 2023 | Writings
Du design
Du design

La pratique du design au travers de ses enjeux et de son histoire.

19 Dec 2024 | Presentations