Developing sensory functions: Transfer human senses from contextual perception

Tsai, T.J. , Levy, P. , Ono, K. & Watanabe, M. (2010). Developing sensory functions: transfer human senses from contextual perception. In P., Levy , C., Bouchard , A., Aoussat & T., Yamanaka (Eds.), the Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research International Conference 2010 - KEER2010 (pp. 304-313). Paris, France: Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering.
/ Abstract / Approaches in interaction design were explored a hyperspace that human cognitive actions and interactive system in both two end. Recently, this dualism in diverse direction is integrated in a notion of context, which had brought from social science as the manifest of implicit interactions that makes ‘sense’ from human actions or activities. In this research, we applied perception in ecological view to capture the stimuli of context in its dynamic nature, and proposed a notion of sensory function in extracting the transfer character of sensorimotor as transmitting signals to perception. Firstly, a theoretical approach in integrated context and perception was reviewed as the nature of stimuli and sensorimotor that can offer a grounded knowledge to carry images of context to perceptual actions. Secondly, we practiced a process in conductive way to analysis and synthesis the transfer function as a notion of sensory function. Thirdly, an application of prototype was built for order action that situated in a coffee shop, and implemented with a concept of ‘waiter cup’. To conclude, this study may be important to support incentive observation at the early design stage, and provides a tool to exploring contextual perception in designing interaction.
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