Pierre Lévy, HDR

First names
Pierre Denis

Current situation

Since 2021
Professor (PRCM) - National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, France
Holder of the Chair of design Jean Prouvé
Researcher at Dicen-IDF laboratory (EA 7339) (since 2021)
Member of the Department of Innovation - EPN16 (2021 - 2024)
Responsible for the Master Design (since 2021) - The objective of this Master's degree is to train creators (designers and artisans) to set up their professional project and to reshape their design practice in a prospective manner, by integrating continuously redefined societal, cultural and technical evolutions Editorial Advisory Board member of the JHTR (since 2022) - The Journal of Human-Technology Relations investigates human-technology relations from a wide variety of disciplines, with a basis in the Philosophy of Technology and in Science and Technology Studies Elected member of the Education Council (Conseil des formations) (since 2022) - The Education Council of Cnam determines and implements Cnam's training offer. Coordinator of the DNMADe pedagogical committee chairmanships for the Academy of Paris (since 2022) - The Education Committee decides on the organisation of the course and how students are assessed. It also meets as a jury to validate teaching units, internships and students' semester results. Responsible for the topic Arts, Design and Society at the Doctoral School Abbé Grégoire (ED 546) (since 2022) - Cette spécialité s’inscrit à la fois dans la tradition multiséculaire du CNAM autour des métiers d’arts et techniques, de la conception et de l’innovation, de la culture et de la création, et dans l’évolution contemporaine de ces domaines liée à l’attention grandissante portée sur l’innovation sociale et écologique en France et à l’international. Member of the pedagogical and scientific committees off the School of Ecological Transitions at Cnam (since 2024) - The School of Ecological Transitions offers high-level expertise on the challenges of ecological transition and sustainable development, as well as a multi-disciplinary training program. Correspondant scientifique du projet ANR EXCELLENCES 'ConflucES' pour le Cnam (since 2024) - Cette spécialité s’inscrit à la fois dans la tradition multiséculaire du CNAM autour des métiers d’arts et techniques, de la conception et de l’innovation, de la culture et de la création, et dans l’évolution contemporaine de ces domaines liée à l’attention grandissante portée sur l’innovation sociale et écologique en France et à l’international.

Professional experiences

2023 - 2024
Vice-president - HESAM Université, France
Member of Doctoral College Board of HESAM Université (2023-2024) - Le Collège doctoral est l’instance interne d’HESAM Université, qui fédère les structures volontaires concourant à la formation doctoral: l'École doctorale Abbé-Grégoire (ED 546) et l'École doctorale Sciences des Métiers de l'Ingénieur, SMI (ED 432). Member of the Strategic Committee of the Compagnons du Devoir's Executive Master in Project (Since 2023) - The aim is to train multi-technology project managers in the associated technologies trades: electrical engineering, mechanics and tooling and precision mechanics, to enable them to move into management positions. Member of the Steering Committee of NCU - HESAM 2030 (Since 2023) - The 'HESAM 2030 - Construisons nos Métiers!' program aims to roll out new, 1-year and 3-year modular diplomas, open to all, with priority given to vocational and technological baccalaureate holders, and adaptable to everyone, everywhere and throughout life. Member of the Steering Committee of the Post-master in Architecture research - HESAM Université at ENSAPLV (Since 2023) - This post-master's program is a post-graduate course preparing students to enroll in a doctorate in architecture, or to enter new fields of practice in architecture, urban planning and landscape design. The aim of this transitional year is to learn how to produce a research dissertation.
2009 - 2021
Full-time assistant professor (tenured) - Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
Designing Quality in Interaction research group (2009 - 2017)
Systemic Change research group (2018 - 2021)
Member of Board of Examiners at TU/e.ID, vice-chair in 2013-2015 (2010-2015) - The Board of Examiners of Industrial Design is responsible for the quality of the assessment system in both the Bachelor’s program and the Master’s program Wearable Senses educational project group leader (2011-2014) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and administrative duties related to activities on intelligent textiles and ‘close to the body’ Visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan (2013-2014) in-Transportation interaction [iTi] educational project group leader (2015-2016) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activities at the department of industrial design, on the topic of transportation (mostly automotive) interaction Education coordinator of TU/e.ID (2015-2016) - The 4 education coordinators of the department overview the structure of the pedagogical content and ensure the distribution of educational activities in the faculty Member of the ICT committee of TU/e.ID (2016-2021) - This committee leads the ICT development of the department, in collaboration with the central ICT services of the university Vitality educational project group leader (2016-2018) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activites at the department of industrial design, on the topic of mental, physical and contextual vitality and wellbeing Fellowship at Paris, France (2016-2018) - fellows contribute to the development of activities at Paris, and provide learning module to students and partners in the scope of their specialty Transforming Practices (TP) educational project group leader (2018-2021) - Leading a group which has educative, research, and industrial activities at the department of industrial design, on the topic of transformative practices Founder and responsible for the DataLab of ID@TU/e (2019-2021) - The DataLab supports the creation of innovative and exploratory forms of interacting with data
2008 - 2009
Researcher/Lecturer - Chiba University, Japan
Responsible for the teaching activities of the Service Product Design master team
2006 - 2008
Post-doctor researcher - University of Tsukuba, Japan
Postdoctoral research for the 21st Century COE Program for the Promotion of Kansei Science for Understanding the Mechanism of Mind and Heart, sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
2000 - 2002
R&D Engineer/Designer, Responsible for R&D at the Japanese office - Decathlon in Japan (became Oxylane), Japan
Innovation projects in collaboration with Japanese partners
1999 - 2000
Maintenance Technician - Éridania Béghin-Say (became Thereos), France
Setting up a maintenance forecast based vibration analysis

Other contributions

2006 - 2023
Contribution to the international kansei research community
Co-founder and President of the European Kansei Group (EKG) (2016-2018) - The European Kansei Group (EKG) aims at developing and promoting kansei research in Europe, in both the academic and the industrial worlds Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER) Steering Board coordinator (Since 2014) - This board organises common activities of the four kansei research communities (JSKE (Japan), TIK (Taiwan), MAKE (Malaysia) and EKG (Europe)) Chair of the Scientific Committee of KEER2014 (2012-2014) - International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2014, Linköping, Sweden Co-organiser of the KEER international conferences (Since 2009) - International Conference of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2010, Paris, France Councilor for the Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE) (Since 2009) Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Affective Engineering (IJAE) (Since 2006)


Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Compiegne University Technology (UTC), France
Section 71 - Information and Communication Sciences
University Teaching Qualification - BKO - Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
Dutch diploma for university teaching
Doctorate in Kansei Science - University of Tsukuba, Japan
Award of the best dissertation (highest distinction delivered by the doctoral school)
Master in Mechanical Engineering, speciality in Industrial Design - Compiegne University Technology (UTC), France

Other data

Publications & Editions  81
Financed projects  18 (~3m€)
Academic and Design awards  4
Ph.D promotions  8
Ph.D promotions (past et on-going)  1
Doctoral thesis jury  12

HAL  751380
ORCID  0000-0003-2801-0588
Google scholar  bfRUiJwAAAAJ