Perceptive qualities

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And thoses who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
- Friederich Nietsche (1885)

The notion of perceptual crossing indicates the experience of interplay between perceptive activities of multiple beings (train anecdote). Charles Lenay explained the importance of perceptual crossing in the encounter of the other’s perceptual intentionality, in the mutual attraction of perceptual activities (“they come to start a sort of a dance together”), leading to the constitution of a shared world of emotions. Creating such a connection between beings is often experienced, and it is (and it has been for a long time) a quest in design to build such connection between a being (or user) and an artefact: how to design for perceptual crossing?

03 sept. 2019 | Projet
Light behavior design: violation of unification principles and the effect on the user experience
14 juin 2017 | Publication
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming
Kinectic Folds: Interaction Priming
03 févr. 2016 | Projet
03 sept. 2014 | Projet
Sensual Dynamics
Sensual Dynamics
03 sept. 2013 | Projet
Designing for Perceptual Crossing: designing and comparing three behaviors
13 févr. 2013 | Publication
Designing for perceptive qualities: 7 showcases
13 sept. 2012 | Publication
Designing for perceptual crossing: applying and evaluating design notions
10 sept. 2012 | Publication
Light in Transition
Light in Transition
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
03 sept. 2012 | Projet
03 sept. 2012 | Projet