Transforming practices

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Every experience enacted and undergone modifies the one who acts and undergoes, while this modification affects, whether we wish it or not, the quality of subsequent experiences. For it is a somewhat different person who enters into them.
- Dewey (2015:35)

The aim of our research program is to foster social resilience by focusing on transforming practices and societies. We do so by designing and evaluating in complex socio-technical systems.

Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living

Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2021). Education as a transforming practice: designing together for complex, sustainable living. In the Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2021 Symposium, RSD10. Delft, The Netherlands Delft, The Netherlands.

05 nov. 2021 | Publications
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys
Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys

Trotto, A. , Hummels, C.C.M. , Levy, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , van der Veen, R. , Yoo, D. , Johansson, M. , Smith, M. & van der Zwan, S. (2021). Designing for Transforming Practices: Maps and Journeys. Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

21 oct. 2021 | Publications
Transforming Practices squad
Transforming Practices squad

Transforming Practices (TP) considers the transformations of our societies, dealing with major societal issues, local challenges for social resilience, or everyday activities, as well as their interrelations. Envisioning transformative practices, we question through designing the how, who, why and what of design for these major societal issues.

26 avr. 2020 | Projets
Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices

Hummels, C.C.M. , Trotto, P. , Peeters, J.P.A. , Levy, P. , Alves Lino, J. & Klooster, S. (2019). Design research and innovation framework for transformative practices. Strategy for change . Glasgow, UK: Glasgow Caledonian University. ISBN: 978-972-789-482-6.

23 sept. 2019 | Publications
Probing Future
Probing Future

In this Design Fiction project, several potential healthcare futures are explored in a collaboration between Philips Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Design Academy Eindhoven, and Frank Kolkman.

03 sept. 2019 | Projets
Matter of transformation, designing an alternative tomorrow inspired by phenomenology

Hummels, C.C.M. & Levy, P. (2013). Matter of Transformation: Designing an Alternative Tomorrow Inspired by Phenomenology. Interactions. 20(6).

10 sept. 2013 | Publications