Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience
Levy, P.
Kuenen, S.
Overbeeke, K.
Uchiyama, T.
Yamanaka, T.
(2011). Ohlala: Exploring the Relation between Content Completeness and Emotional Experience.
N., Roozenburg
L.L., Chen
P.J., Stappers
the Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research 2011, IASDR11
([on CD]).
Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
Among other explorations, the field of telepresence technology has looked at ways to create a feeling of telepresence based on the transfer of minimal information. On this topic, the Cololo project has taken an extreme position by proposing the experience of 1-bit communication. Based on the observation of Cololo in use, it is shown that content is not necessary to trigger an emotional experience. This paper introduces a novel dimension to be taken into consideration in communication technology: the content-completeness dimension, ranging from non-content to hyper-content. Furthermore, we built the Ohlala framework, aiming to explore the content-completeness dimension. Based on Ohlala, by way of a research through design, we intend to explore further the relations between this dimension on communication and emotional experience.