Design-Philosophy correspondance


Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design

Smith, M. , van der Zwan, S. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2017). Scaffolding shared imagination with tangible design. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI21 Salzburg, Austria: ACM.

17 févr. 2021 | Publications
Philosophy at Work – Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice

van der Zwan, S. , Smith, M. , Bruineberg, J.P. , Levy, P. & Hummels, C.C.M. (2020). Philosophy at Work - Postphenomenology as a Generative Lens in Design Research and Practice. In the Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2020, DRS2020 Sydney, Australia: Design Research Society.

14 août 2020 | Publications